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Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (Public Organization) (NEDA)


Press Release
The 2nd Annual Bilateral Meeting (JICA&NEDA)

At JICA, Thailand office on 2nd July 2019; Mr. Perames Vudthitornetiraks, President of NEDA acted as a chairperson and a host to the 2nd Annual Bilateral Meeting between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (Public Organization) (NEDA). Mr. Shigenori Ogawa, Director General, Southeast Asia and Pacific Department also acted as a chairman from JICA. The participants included 6 representatives from NEDA, 8 representatives from JICA Thailand office, and 14 representatives from JICA head office, Cambodia office, Lao PDR as well as Myanmar office via TV Conference. This meeting was considered as a part of cooperation of partners under Partnership Arrangement between JICA and NEDA. It aimed to strengthen the relationship between two organizations and encourage to build the cooperation between one another in economic and society development to other countries located in Greater Mekong sub regional. The format of the meeting was to exchange the information about the support policy to develop and the project implementation of both organizations in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar which mostly are the infrastructure development projects, for example, the construction of roads and harbors, electric energy development, Immigration Checkpoint development etc. in order to find out concrete direction of cooperation between one another; as well as to consistently encourage the NEDA personnel development by JICA.